Sunday, February 12, 2012

Potty Time

So Sadie started to get interested in the potty back at Christmas time, so we bought ducky potty chairs and put them in each of the bathrooms. Sadie would sit on them when mom and dad were going potty but she would be fully dressed and had no desire to strip down and try to go potty herself. Until last week! She got out her doll baby and her dolly baby's potty and put her baby on the potty and said the baby was going potty. So we brought her ducky potty in the living room and Sadie took off some of her clothes and sat on her potty! Well first she sat on her doll baby's potty but then she sat on her potty. She didn't wait long enough. She stood up and peed all over the floor. But let me tell you I was excited. She hasn't wanted anything to do with the potty since then, until tonight. Jerm's sister Brittany came over to dinner with Bryson and gave Sadie presents including Elmo's Potty DVD (Jerm's sister Lyndsay gave Sadie the same DVD at Christmas but it went missing before we could even watch it, I have searched everywhere) and Sadie watched the DVD and was all about the potty. She stood up too fast again. Pee all over the floor. We will keep trying! We will keep the potty chairs out of the bathrooms and in the living room and her bedroom! So if you come to our house, be prepared. And do you notice those Barberton beads keep showing up in pictures.

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