Monday, March 19, 2012

The Fresh Beat Band

So last minute I was just looking online if The Fresh Beat Band ever went on tour. Sadie first watched this show when were in Michigan Hannah had put it on for her. When we got home I am not sure how it happened but Netflix recommended it for us and she spotted it and asked us to play it for her. She loves it! Sings and dances non stop. So when I was online last week I found that they were doing their first tour and they were coming to the Akron Civic Theatre in only a few days. The show was sold out except for a few single tickets. We were in luck. Sadie was free if she sat on my lap. So I bought a single ticket and took Sadie. It was a rock concert for preschoolers! Everyone was holding up glow sticks and chanting. Singing and dancing in the ailes. We had a great seat! Sorry the pictures and video are so bad, it is hard to hold an almost 2 y/o and video her at the same time. We had fun!

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