Thursday, February 9, 2012

Ohio Winter

Thank goodness this winter has been mild or else I would be in trouble. Between changing jobs and graduate school clinicals I am driving all the time. I am doing clinical instruction for Kent State Geauga campus up in Chardon at UH 2xweek. I follow my preceptor to the Sandusky VA once a week and Murtis Taylor in downtown Cleveland once a week. Thanks goodness for clinical instruction at Kent State main campus, my students are at St Thomas once a week and for my stark state students, they are at Barberton once a week. I crashed my car in the bad weather one morning on my way to work at St Thomas and was rescued on the side of the road by my boss from geropsych. I was running late that day and so I had wet hair and no gloves or hat or boots. I was freezing and my boss was driving by and stopped. She invited me to wait in her gloriously warm SUV until the police had got there and the tow truck and towed away my car and then she drove me to work. Words cannot express how grateful I was for her kindness. My co-worker drove me home and when I got home Jerm and Sadie had made this card for me. I felt pretty lucky. Lucky to have escaped unharmed, lucky Sadie wasn't in the car when it happened, lucky my boss was driving by, lucky that my coworker was willing to drive me home so Jerm didn't have to take Sadie out in the weather, lucky that my husband was so thoughtful. I got my car back 2 weeks later. I still get nervous in bad weather, (I blame driving exactly one mile from my driveway to the parking deck at Barberton for 6 years spoiled me) and I would rather not drive in it all but I have lucked out this winter, there has not been that many bad days! I must admit I asked Jerm if we could move to warmer weather. Hahaha.

1 comment:

  1. Woah, wait. YOU asked JEREMY if you could move to warmer weather? Did he jump on the idea? I hear there are job openings for the border here ;)
