Tuesday, December 6, 2011

North Carolina

My dad dropped us off at the Orlando airport and we were on our way to a condo in the mountains near Asheville North Carolina. Well almost on our way. We were waiting to board our flight and little miss Sadie who's favorite thing to do now is to push elevator buttons went to push the elevator button. Only the airport elevator button was taller than the cruise elevator buttons. Sadie stood on her tip toes and before I knew it lost her balance and fell back on the tile floor and with a crunch hit her head. I picked her up and no sooner had I got back to the gate she began to vomit. All over me. I went into shock being covered from head to toe in airport food vomit. Once we got her and I cleaned up I really started to worry. She was so pale and pathetic looking. I knew I didn't want to take her up in an airplane until she was cleared by a doctor. I think I will start carrying a pen light in the diaper bag. For those of you that got that neuro check reference who I am kidding I wouldn't have been able to do an accurate check. I was rattled. So as I sought out the airport clinic for advice (all the way on the other side of the Orlando huge airport in Jeremy's clothes we officially missed our flight). The airport doctor said "She is too young to clear for flight until she gets a CT of the head". A very expensive cab ride later and we arrived at the Arnold Palmer Hospital for children. Several hours later Sadie was cleared for flight. I hope she wasn't traumatized after being strapped down to the CT table. Sadie is def a mama's girl and that began her stage of if she doesn't like what one parent is doing she calls out for the other. She was yelling dadda so loud I am surprised Jerm didn't hear her and come running. On a side note the CT results showed she had an ear infection. I am so glad we got that treated (sarcasm).

Onward to North Carolina. We arrived in the middle of the night. My aunt was awake to greet us. Actually we got lost and called her. My aunt Rita and Uncle Keith had rented the cabin and invited us down. The mountains were beautiful. We even went to a nearby waterfall. I spent most of my time catching up on homework there was internet at the recreation center, along with an indoor pool, a gym, and an arcade. The highlight of Sadie's trip Squirrel Hunting. I was gone for the afternoon working on homework, I come back to find Sadie placing carmel corn on the porch of the condo deck and then yelling SQUIRRELS. Plain as day. Very funny. She hunted squirrels the rest of the trip. And of course she was spoiled. She got to take her afternoon nap every day being pushed around in the stroller by my aunt. Oh and the picture of the steps at the waterfall. She insisted that she climb them. She almost made all 120 steps before being asking to be picked up.

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