Thursday, September 1, 2011

Scraped Knees and Broken Arms

I want to buy baby knee pads! Sadie keeps skinning her knees over and over. They are never going to heal. I went to the store tonight and stocked up on band aids, foaming neosporin cleaning spray, spray analgesic, melauca balm/triple antibiotic ointment, saline wipes....need I go on. So we now have a scraped knee regimen. Sadie gets it naturally (the clutsy side/frequent injurious behavior). Jerm broke his arm tonight. I was driving home from getting my faculty ID badge from Stark State (more about that later) and I called Jerm and said "Let's get a run in tonight before Sadie's bedtime" (I completed a health survey at work to attempt to reduce my healthcare insurance premiums and was weighed, had blood drawn, blood pressure taken) which has encouraged me to work out more frequently. Make the time for me to get it in. So normally when we run together, I push the stroller and Jerm takes a dog. Tonight Jerm picked Grace. He was crossing the road and she stopped, he stepped on her, and so that he wouldn't crush her, he threw his body weight away from her, causing him to fall on his arm. He went to the ER to get an x-ray. Its broken. He is in so much pain. Poor Sadie and Jeremy. I don't have a picture of Jerm in his sling, he has gone to bed already.

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