Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Journey to Bethlehem

So Sadie and I were supposed to go over to the Hanlins for a play date and instead we ended up in Amish Country. Nanette got this great idea to do the Journey to Bethlehem. You start at this retirement center in Walnut creek near Sugar creek and there are 8 stops including The Farm at Walnut Creek at the end. So we got a little lost Garmin didn't recognize the town. By the time we got down there, there wasn't enough time to do all of the stops, so we just headed straight to The Farm. Wow was it impressive! It was all free. There were horse drawn wagon rides and there were all kinds of animals to pet, camels, ox, miniature horses, goats, sheep, pigs, you name it they had it. There was a live nativity scene and an interactive Christmas play with all of the animals. You were able to tour the house and they had free hot chocolate and coffee, Amish chocolates, the most delicious cinnamon buns I have ever had in my life, candy canes, and cookies. Outside they had fires going where you could roast marshmallows and they were making kettle corn. Yum. Did I mention this was all free? Nannnette ran into her co-worker that had told her about it that day and he gave us directions that involved well lit highways on the way home we didn't have to worry about going around dark bends fearful to a hit a buggy. It is only the first week-end in December Friday and Saturday nights from 4-9pm. What a great night!

Cookie Decorating Party

We attended the Hendrickson's annual cookie decorating party. Sadie slept through the entire thing hence the picture of Sadie decorating cookies by herself. It was a great time! And thanks to Jenny sending undecoratedcookies home with us we are still decorating them and eating them

Monday, November 26, 2012

Barbie Tree

So we went to the John S Knight center to walk around and see all of the decorated christmas trees. Sadie spotted the Barbie tree and loved it. So I have begun my search for Hallmark Barbie Christmas ornaments so I can make her her own Barbie Tree. I will post pictures of the finished tree.

Thanksgiving and Early Christmas

My family did Thanksgiving at my aunt's house on Black Friday and Christmas! We ate turkey and all the fixings, played cards and then opened Christmas presents.

Pajama Fashion Show on the Polar Express

The Polar Express

Summa got tickets to the Polar Express put on by the Cuyahoga Sceneic Railroad. Jenny Rachel and Collin went. We all loved it!! We boarded the train wearing our pajamas. They read the book The Polar Express. The elves served us hot chocolate and cookies. And we rode to the North Pole. The North Pole was in Penninsula and it was all lit up and there were elves and snowmen and reindeer waving to the kids in the train. Sadie loved the snowmen. Her and Collin waved and stared out the window the entire time we were at the North Pole. The kids got their golden ticket stamped by the conductor and they met Santa. Sadie is still asking every Santa she meets for a real doggy because Chase left. There was a pajama fashion show (Jeremy and Sadie were cute!). And we sang Christmas carols. We can't wait to go next year!

Decorating Gingerbread Houses

We decorated gingerbread houses at Jeremy's mom's house yesterday. Sadie just decorated "snowmen" out of marshmallows, but here are pictures of my house. I had never decorated a gingerbread house before. It was time consuming but taking frequent breaks to eat helped. Jenny brought her homemade bread and I should have taken a picture of my turkey, apricot, apple, and brie panini. Yum. Collin and Sadie played with dude. Sadie learned two new things from Collin yesterday..How to say emergency and how to make the ambulance siren sound. (They were just playing pretend, no one got hurt).